The City A1 Connection

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


My turn to make some noise here! Ok. I have already done that. Heh.

Don't ask me why that title. No reason. =)

I am well and fine, enjoying all there is to life, but need to work on that more. Riddles I am talking, yeah.

Final semester to university life, which means no more text books starting June! Hallelujah! Some of you, on the other hand, just started. Muahahahaha. =P I'll pick up text books again in the near future, just don't know when.

And more to life after that. Wow, transition again. Well, I am going through that now, but I guess it's more stabilised already. For those of you starting that journey, hang on to God. He may seem faraway, but in fact He is ALWAYS near. Jackson, this applies to you too. Don't be swayed by what the world offers though they may taste absolutely delicious. I think to stand after the storm tastes better! =)

Enough from me for now. If you want to know how I am doing, best bet is my blog. Ok, I'm done doing publicity! *grins*




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